Two children in Vienna fall ill

By Karin Hiebaum
International Advisor

After numerous cases of hepatitis of unclear origin in several European countries, there are now first suspected cases in Austria. Affected are two children who are being treated at St. Anna Children’s Hospital in Vienna.

Mittagsjournal, the children are not in critical condition. In total, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded about 170 cases so far, two-thirds of them in the UK.

Situation is being closely monitored

Throughout Austria, doctors have already been made aware of the accumulation of hepatitis cases by the Ministry of Health, they are to monitor the situation closely and are called upon to report possible suspected cases.

The special thing: It is currently not entirely clear what triggers these liver infections. None of the affected children were infected with classical hepatitis viruses.

Most of the children have now been recorded as having severely elevated liver enzyme levels and jaundice, 17 children have required liver transplants, and at least one child has died, according to WHO figures.

Hepatitis cases in children
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No connection with CoV vaccination
Adenoviruses were found in almost half of the young patients – these are viruses that can trigger the common cold, for example, or gastrointestinal diseases. It is also possible that the hepatitis develops after a covid 19 infection.

The WHO rules out a connection with the coronavirus vaccination: The majority of young hepatitis patients are not vaccinated. In Italy, where eleven cases are currently confirmed, health authorities report that none of the sick children have been vaccinated.

Parents should watch out for possible symptoms of liver inflammation, according to medical experts’ recommendations: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and yellowing of the skin.

More on the topic
Mysterious hepatitis in children: A case in Italy
GB and other countries: Mysterious hepatitis cases in children

Por Karin Hiebaum

Profesora universitaria,

psicóloga y corresponsal en Europa

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