With a controversial phrase, Javier Milei promised to close the Ministry of Women’s Affairs if he becomes president
The national deputy presented «El camino del libertario» at the Book Fair. «In my government there will be no cultural Marxism», he said.

With a controversial phrase, Javier Milei promised to close the Ministry of Women’s Affairs if he becomes president.
Javier Milei presented this Saturday his book «El camino del libertario» at the Book Fair and, with a controversial phrase, promised to close the Ministry of Women if he is president in 2023: «I will not apologize for having a penis», he launched.

«In my government there will be no cultural Marxism. I will not be asking for forgiveness for having a penis. I don’t have to be ashamed of being a man, white, blond, with light blue eyes. The Ministry of Women’s Affairs, hint, because the only equality that counts is equality before the law», said the libertarian deputy.
Milei was interviewed at the Book Fair by journalist Viviana Canosa. In the presentation of his book, he claimed the «value of youth»: «Young people have less time of exposure to public education, which is brainwashing», he said.
«The role of youth is fundamental. Youth are rebels against the status quo. When you look at the structures of all the big parties, they all have some point of the communist manifesto. Political correctness in Argentina is socialism. They would ask questions and run into a wall of socialism. And the natural rebellion is liberal,» he added.