Argentine! Rodolfo Eiben will be Milei’s candidate for governor in Córdoba. The Democratic Party continues to expand


The referent of the Democratic Party confirmed that «the complete provincial and municipal lists are at the disposal of the libertarian national representative».

A few days ago Javier Milei, with his party La Libertad Avanza, took a fundamental step in Mendoza to form a structure that will enable him to compete nationwide with the Democratic Party in next year’s elections. Thus, the candidacy for President of the libertarian leader was ratified, at the same time that they assured that they will present candidates in all the national territory.

The incursion in Mendoza left both libertarians and democrats more than satisfied, since both forces agreed that the confluence is «more than positive», taking into account that the economist sees in the traditional Democratic Party the structure with national representation that will propel him to the presidency in 2023. Meanwhile, the idea of the Democrats is to form a «confederation of liberal parties together with the provincial parties that want to join».

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In that sense, in Córdoba, the current leader of the Democratic Party confirmed to PERFIL CÓRDOBA that he will be the candidate for governor that will represent Milei in this province and that the party and the complete provincial and municipal lists are at the disposal of the libertarian national deputy.

Eiben also assured that they will wait for the definitions of Agustín Laje and the economist Diana Mondino, both close to Milei; the democrat leader said that, beyond the confirmation of his candidacy, it will be the libertarian leader who will finally decide the role that each one will occupy, trusting that it is possible that Milei will summon one of them to join him in the national structure.

It is worth mentioning that Francisco Pendas, Eiben’s advisor and another of the leaders of the Democratic Party of Córdoba, is the son of Mondino, Milei’s favorite economist, forming a powerful tandem to support Milei’s presidential candidacy from this province.

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He launches in June. Eiben said that he will launch his candidacy for governor in June, adding that he will also present his candidate for vice-governor, «an outstanding man from Córdoba, with high popular recognition».

The democrat is confident that Córdoba will be an important contributor of votes for the libertarian; on the one hand, due to the high growth in voting intentions that Milei has been showing throughout the country, confirming the polls that give him in parity with Juntos por el Cambio and Frente de Todos, and stressing that in that sense the votes in favor of the libertarian leader will be even greater due to the presence of the Democratic Party that keeps a footprint in this province as well as the popular recognition of who will be his candidate for vice-governor.

Regarding a new visit of Milei to Córdoba, the Democrat leader assured that the future candidate for President has no available dates for the moment since he will have to develop a tight agenda with different meetings both in Buenos Aires and in other destinations of the continent and the United States.

In the meantime, the Democratic Party of Córdoba will continue working on the conformation of the party structure at provincial level to support Milei’s candidacy and to achieve the promised electoral presence throughout the province.

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On the other hand, Eiben reaffirmed that, as it has been said at national level, it is absolutely impossible to think of any kind of alliances with other sectors in Córdoba, discarding categorically any approach to the national senator Luis Juez as well as to Juntos por el Cambio. Meanwhile, he also assured that those who want to contribute to Milei’s presidential candidacy in Córdoba must join the Democratic Party or, in the case of any political structure with a confirmed conformation in the Electoral Justice, dialogue with the Democratic authorities to agree on alliance policies.

The communication is directly related to some statements that said that Marcos Juárez, the first important electoral contest, which is even more important because it is considered the cradle of Juntos por el Cambio, would be a kind of national «debut» of a list and a candidate sponsored by the libertarian leader. This media was able to learn that «in no way» Milei would be willing to go against «a very good manager», such as the current mayor Pedro Dellarossa.