Javier Milei se identificó con Margaret Thatcher y generó polémica en las redes
El diputado libertario contó con cuáles tres dirigentes históricos se siente identificado y uno de ellos es Margaret Thatcher, clave en la guerra de Malvinas.

El diputado libertario Javier Milei, cuya imagen negativa viene creciendo en las encuestas, generó revuelo al contar con cuáles líderes políticos de la historia se siente identificado.
«Me siento muy identificado, en términos históricos, básicamente con [Winston] Churchill, con [Ronald] Reagan y con Margaret Thatcher«, dijo en un reportaje con la revista colombiana Semana titulado «Javier Milei, el polémico candidato popular que quiere ser presidente de la Argentina»,
La mención a Margaret Thatcher, la primera ministra británica durante la guerra por las Islas Malvinas, generó un fuerte revuelo en las redes sociales y rápidamente se convirtió en tendencia en Twitter.
Este premio Nobel de Economía aseguró que las criptomonedas son «la gran estafa»
Una de las críticas las encabezó Carlos Maslatón, quien días reconoció una interna dentro de la Libertad Avanza. «Con respecto a la manifestación de Javier Milei desde Colombia acerca de que se identifica con Churchill, Reagan y Thatcher, es algo que puede lícitamente decirse siempre que se aclare a continuación que las Malvinas son argentinas y se ponga primero a nuestros héroes de 1982«.

Thatcher, conocida como ‘La Dama de Hierro’, fue decisiva en la guerra de Malvinas y señalada por políticos del partido Laborista como «criminal de guerra» por su decisión de hundir el crucero ARA General Belgrano el 2 de mayo de 1982, fuera de la zona de exclusión, en una operación en la que murieron 323 soldados argentinos.
El duro enojo de uno de los economistas K más escuchados del país, tras conocerse la inflación de mayo 2022
Después de la polémica que generaron sus respuestas a La Semana, Milei tuiteó hoy para intentar aclarar su posición respecto a Malvinas recordando declaraciones que hizo en programas televisivos argentinos.
En todo caso, ésta fue la primera vez que Javier Milei hizo referencia públicamente a Thatcher, más no a la guerra de Malvinas. Hace unos meses, en una entrevista con Bloomberg Línea, el economista dijo que el país «no creó las condiciones para que los habitantes de las Islas Malvinas quieran ser argentinos».
En ese sentido, sumó: «¿Qué les vas a proponer a los habitantes de la isla? Esa es la cuestión. ¿Qué querés hacer? Después de que agarraste, entraste, hiciste una guerra. Es una cuestión extremadamente compleja. Si vos querés que algún día vuelvan a ser parte de Argentina, va a implicar una negociación muy, muy larga. Y donde Argentina va a tener que poder proponer algo interesante. Argentina no es un país interesante si su propia gente se va del país. Entonces, ¿le querés arruinar la vida a los habitantes de las islas?».
En aquella oportunidad, Milei dejó en claro que considera que «el reclamo de Argentina es genuino y debería mantenerlo. Para mí, en la situación de Malvinas hay una cuestión que tiene que ver con un reclamo en lo territorial, por lo que tiene que ver con la geografía. Son las condiciones bajo las cuales el derecho se construye».
Javier Milei lanzó su campaña presidencial «contra todos»
El diputado se mostró en un acto realizado en el estado de El Porvenir del conurbano bonaerense, del que participó el cantante El Dipy y le apuntó a “la casta política y los periodistas ensobrados”.

FOTO: Javier Milei lanzó su campaña presidencial «contra todos»

FOTO: Javier Milei lanzó su campaña presidencial «contra todos»‹›
Con la mira puesta en las elecciones del 2023, Javier Milei lanzó su campaña presidencial en el estadio de El Porvenir en un evento del que también participó el cantante de cumbia El Dipy, identificado con la oposición en el último tiempo. Frente a poco menos de 1.500 personas, el economista anunció oficialmente que irá por la presidencia y como es costumbre dejó fuertes frases.
“No necesitamos un focus para ver qué contestamos. Lo hacemos desde nuestra convicción y valores morales. Pedimos el voto para sacarles el poder a ellos y devolvérselo al pueblo. Por eso tienen miedo. Nos difaman para mantener sus privilegios, pero nos mantenemos estoicos porque estamos convencidos de la pelea”, aseguró el diputado liberal.
En este mismo sentido el dirigente remarcó que «somos nosotros contra todos: los políticos chorros, los empresarios prebendarios, los periodistas ensobrados y los sindicalistas transas”
Además, Milei aseguró que “esta es una oportunidad histórica para vencer a la casta y poner de pie el país”. En medio del griterío del público que esperaba un menaje contundente de su parte, el economista advirtió que no se metió «en el pantano inmundo de la política para ser parte de un nuevo fracaso sino para transformar Argentina en una potencia».

El Dipy participó del acto de Milei
“Algunos siembran dudas sobre si tenemos un modelo. Nuestra guía es el modelo del liberalismo. Podemos ver nuestra historia. En 1860 cuando se aplica la Constitución de Alberdi dejamos de ser un país bárbaro. Otro caso es Irlanda. Tienen el caso de India, que al adoptar un modelo liberal multiplicó por 11 el PIB per cápita. Los países libres son ocho veces más ricos que los reprimidos», reflexionó el liberal.
Milei avanza en su armado nacional rumbo a 2023 a través de la alianza con varias formaciones políticas y trabaja con partidos como el Movimiento de Integración y Desarrollo (MID), el Partido Demócrata, Unite, el Partido Libertario y el Partido Renovador Federal, entre otros.
Estas agrupaciones, con distintos niveles de alianzas, le brindan al economista «libertario» sus estructuras para que pueda impulsar su proyecto presidencial.

El Dipy cantó en el lanzamiento de campaña de Milei
Por su parte, «El Dipy» compartió un video para promocionar el acto, en el cual consideró que Argentina se encuentra ante «un cambio de época».
En la provincia de Tucumán, por ejemplo, Milei selló una alianza con Fuerza Republicana, representada por Ricardo Bussi, hijo del genocida Antonio Domingo Bussi, interventor militar en Tucumán durante la dictadura cívico-militar, y luego gobernador electo por el voto popular en 1995.
Cada vez se encuentran mas publicaciones, que cuestan entender las relaciones y lo que sucede. Aun Periodistas que lo apoyan desde diferentes lugares y sectores del mundo, están quedando asombrados con ciertas acciones y reacciones.
Who is Karina Milei? Javier’s sister who blows up the libertarian intern
She is the one who opens and closes the doors to define how much «caste» is filtered and how much is not. The displaced attribute to him the flirtation with Macri and the incorporation of the «processist right» of the interior. Her alliance with Cavallo’s former adviser, Carlos Kikuchi. What does that earthquake mean on the libertarian map.

As children they had the roles reversed. Karina was a pet in the games in which her brother stopped balls with the hand with which she could not stop her father’s blows. They do not have kids. Neither is married, but they put together a political couple. Javier Milei calls her first lady. And The Boss , in masculine. “The Boss in a libertarian party because it seems that she is the only one who can calm him down. But that also plays into what Carlos Maslatón said these days: she is the one who has the rifle and takes militants who she doesn’t like to the firing squad, there is a double meaning in that nickname,» says Ivan Sverdlick, political communication analyst and rising student of languages.
Karina Elizabeth Milei was born two years after her brother , March 1972. House in Villa Devoto , father driver of bus 111 , mother housewife, Catholic school. The father worked on New Year’s, Christmas and holidays, days in which he could take the entire collection to his house. In 2019, Milei narrated a scene with her sister that she often turns to to finish explaining them. April 2, 1982 , the same house as Devoto, Malvinas on television. He was 11 years old. Apparently he complained about what he saw and said it was a delusion. His father ran him out, hit him and kicked him all over the kitchen. Karina was hospitalized. Her mother called him to tell him that her sister almost died because of her.
Javier Milei: «Kari is Moisés and I’m the one who spreads»
Some of that twosome rescue scene seems to carry over into adult life. Toxic , shipowners of a Darwinian world where the left is a «grotesque», Larreta «a lefty sorete», the State «a shit» and the body a market, the bus driver of the 111 seems the man behind every Rappi kid to who insist on talking to him and the blows of the father-driver, the violent discharge, above, below and in the middle , on TV or when he speaks and she argues. He tells her the leader . “Moses was a great leader, but he wasn’t good at publicizing,” she said. And then God sent Aaron to spread the word. Well, Kari is Moises and I’m the one who divulges.»
Karina sold cakes for a time, studied public relations, took drawing and painting courses, made a doll that he celebrated and a model of the Central Bank that he destroyed at each performance of the Regina theater. She uses tarot and astrology to navigate the political world. El Presto, one of the members of the space, reproached him these days. “They surrounded him with people with criminal records,” he said about him. And he added: «What happens is that Karina is a tarot reader, I do not say it disparagingly , but she has thrown cards all her life and as they now call her ‘The boss’ she thinks she knows something but she knows nothing. She has knowledge of politics like I football».
Historically, Karina had a low profile. She put together that outsider look and disheveled hair of her brother as she puts the suit on the dolls that she puts together with her hands . She kept her brother’s agenda first in the international conferences and then the interviews, schedules and contacts of the political career. But three months ago that changed.

The new ones, Benegas Lynch and Carlos Kikuchi
During the summer, the space incorporated two new figures. Alberto Benegas Lynch, gateway to Mauricio Macri, and Carlos Kikuchi , former adviser to Domingo Cavallo and the new libertarian Durán Barba. The income displaced the shipowners from 2020-2021 . Ramiro Marra and Eugenio Casielles, both now Buenos Aires legislators. And the change began to be noticed, first on June 10 with the failure of the Gerli stadium and then with the crossovers on Twitter this week.
I kept reading: The Milei fiasco in the suburbs of Buenos Aires.
The displaced say that Kikuchi approached Karina , because of the influence she has over her brother, and they made an alliance. They attribute to him the flirtation with Macri and the approach to a more recalcitrant pro-dictatorship right in the interior of the country: Ricardo Bussi in Tucumán , Alfredo Avelínof the Renewal Crusade in San Juan. «They go through the provinces to see what political boss remains from the old days or what son of an old political boss remains,» they complain inside. In general, sectors that were attached to the dictatorship in the ’70s and frighten the youngest. “It is that there is a very big difference between the big rightist who lived through the military process and who liked him; the great rightist who lived it and did not like it and not to mention the young man who was born after 1982”, Maslatón tells Página/12 . «Dislike. All the young kids, 18, 19, 20, 25 years old, enthusiastic about this new libertarianism. And those who are in Tucumán feel displaced: how is Bussi going to come!”
From the outside they agree that Karina gained space in that context. “She manages the agenda, she is her image consultant and also begins to have more incidence in the construction of the structure with the identity that she wants to build and the limitations that that identity may have in terms of who enters and who does not: how much ‘caste’ is filtered and how much is not, ”says Sverdlick.
Mastalón is one of the most angry. “ Now her brother enters acts jumping with her . Only with her”, he complains. He “takes her everywhere. On the international tour. She is with Bolsonaro’s son. With Kast in Chile, with Macri. Everything is her. She is migrating: a liberal with all her personality cult, he imposes her with a profile that sounds quite strange. Something strange is happening, say grassroots people”. Polarization with the caste, they say, but they agree with the caste.

From Espert to Lezama
There was a time when it wasn’t like that, but everything changed with the elections and the summer. “Milei started her career invited by Espert in October 2020. He did not have politics as a plan, he begins to walk, cities, squares and, due to journalistic accumulation and interest, he immediately stands out.
Already in February 2021 there was a real political rupture, with envy and egos typical of this. There he started alone and began to devastate, with hordes of militants who were adding to each walk. An ideological-political-personal phenomenon that caught him disorganized in family and political life. They followed 20, 30 radio stations per day, special programs, prime time, invitations to the interior, abroad, businessmen who told him: I want to support you. The sister was a support in difficult moments of his life, when he was fighting with his father, and he began to order all that: he organizes his political and personal life, agenda, schedules, interviews and thus he says: yes, no, yes, no ”, continues Maslatón, the leader who comes from Ucedé, is a financial broker and tweeter.
In September 2021, there was a first movement. They closed the campaign in Parque Lezama. Lezama II, they say. Maslatón went on stage. It was his turn to drive like in the Lezama I. The Boss approached. She told him not to sing the hymn and added:
– No one on stage.
– No one? he asked.
«No one,» she repeated. He who speaks, speaks alone.
The only one was Miley. Something similar happened inside . She says that some looked for the mark to raise the ballots with similar names such as Advance Liberty and a photo. The brothers immediately lowered them. There were no agreements except with Martín Menem in La Rioja. “ Milei went to an act and made him a deputy ”, says the former Ucedé leader, shocked. Go figure! He had gotten 3 percent in the PASO and got 14 percent in the final. Thus, for an act, in La Rioja: do you realize?
Kikuchi went into the summer to collect that loot.

Blondes and anti-feminists
Political communication begins to look at the emergence of a repertoire of blonde right-wing populist women for whom ostentation is very important. The dyed blonde appears as a political act in opposition to the diversities of feminism . He is a blonde who does not try to appear true, as María Esperanza Casullo said recently. A blonde who does not seek to convey truth because what she wants to ostentatiously convey is her adherence to the model of whitened Latin American elites . In this political parade, it is possible to think of the emergence of figures such as Jeannine Áñez or, locally, Viviana Canosa .to whom Karina apparently offered the chair of the Buenos Aires candidate, a fact that also makes the intern creak. Canosa enters that line that takes Rita Segato as its inspiration. Karina is real blonde but she plays in the same position.
He went up to Gerli’s stage. She went on tour. They called him the López Rega de Milei. Her brother defended her and they uploaded to Instagram even videos of endurance from the Province. But it is true that her rise coincides with his fall , failure in Gerli, sale of organs and carrying weapons. A poison in which Milei, as Sverdlick says, seems to become an enemy of himself.
I kept reading: Milei’s folly of proposing a free market for organs.
“What is very clear –says Sverdlick- is that the emotional bond with Karina, which goes beyond the political bond, ends up tilting him to one side. Not by chance but not by homogeneity of space, that side has certain ideological variables: Macri and the most historic right in the country and I think that there it begins to dissolve when it tries to generate nuances with hawks and doves and the reality is that the strongest enemy that has at this moment is himself. Neither Patricia Bullrich nor Macri are going to add a person who is constantly deteriorating himself .”