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Etiqueta: Karin Hiebaum

FPÖ weist Muzicant-Kritik an FPÖ und Herbert Kickl zurück

Generalsekretär Schnedlitz: "Gerade patriotische Parteien stellen sich gegen die Masseneinwanderung von Leuten aus stark antisemitisch geprägten Weltreligionen." FPÖ-Generalsekretär Michael Schnedlitz wies heute, Freitag, die Kritik...

Aktuelle Nachrichten von Eurasia zu Russland und der Ukraine

Kiew: Keine Kinder mehr in Stahlwerk Aus dem von russischen Truppen belagerten Asow-Stahl-Werk in Mariupol sind nach Angaben der ukrainischen Regierung alle Frauen, Kinder und...

Alle Frauen und Kinder aus Stahlwerk gerettet

Es gibt immer eine Hilfestennung! Laut ukrainischen Angaben sind heute erneut Menschen aus Mariupol und dem Asow-Stahl-Werk gerettet worden. In dem Stahlwerk, das seit Tagen...

Argentina: Alfredo Casero estalló y se fue a los gritos de...

Asimismo, se agregó que la meta de construir una sociedad humana más igualitaria, en la que no haya hambre ni desempleo, y que todos tengan acceso a servicios de salud y educación, «en donde todos se sientan responsables de todos y no solo de sus intereses particulares», es más difícil de lograr que el desarrollo científico y tecnológico.

EU wants to bring «talent» from Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia or Nigeria...

Illegal migration to the EU is problem enough. In the EU, asylum applications almost doubled in the first quarter of this year compared to last year. We know from previous years: Around two-thirds of the applicants do not receive any kind of protection title - and thus have no right to be here. Nevertheless, Brussels is sticking to the dogma: anyone who makes it to the external border must be let in. Urgently needed refoulements are not tolerated - as could be seen recently in the resignation of Frontex head Leggeri, whose organization was accused of exactly that.

«Nawalny», Attack with Putin’s «signature»

With his documentary "Nawalny," Canadian filmmaker Daniel Roher delivers a thriller centered on the poisoning of Russian opposition figure Alexei Nawalny with a nerve agent from the Novichok group. In the process, he examines the workings of Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime from the perspective of the recovering politician and shows how ruthlessly it deals with its opponents.

Científicos: Pingüinos Emperador en la Antártida se enfrentan a la extinción

“Al desestabilizarse esa plataforma de hielo, los pingüinos chiquitos (…) pueden no estar emplumados, no estar preparados para ir al mar, se les desarma el piso sobre el cual la colonia está apoyada”, dijo a Reuters Marcela Libertelli, bióloga y jefa del Departamento de Predadores Tope del IAA, que estudia dos colonias con un total de 15,000 ejemplares en la Antártida.

Report: New US arms package for Ukraine

50 civilians safe from steel plant Fifty civilians were brought to safety from the Azov steel plant in Mariupol today. "Today we managed to get 50 women, children and elderly people out of the Azov Steel Plant," Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk says on Telegram. Tomorrow the operation should continue, she adds, again accusing the Russian army of violating the ceasefire during the evacuation.

Cannabis: how it affects our cognition and psychology – new research

But how does using the drug affect the mind? In three recent studies, published in The Journal of Psychopharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology and the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, we show that it can influence a number of cognitive and psychological processes.

First UN Security Council statement on Ukraine

The present draft includes language that the Council is "deeply concerned" about maintaining peace and security in Ukraine and supports the mediation efforts of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. It also recalls that all states are obliged under the UN Charter to settle their international disputes by peaceful means. According to experts, the minimal compromise is a small glimmer of hope for the body's cooperation.
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