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Etiqueta: Liberty

5 MLB players take a stand for God and rebuke degenerate...

By peeling off the rainbow logo from their jerseys and wearing the standard team hat, the five pitchers have calmly and firmly taken a...

Trieblehre und Freiheit

Die Diskussion der Freudschen Theorie vom Standpunkt der politischen Wissenschaftund Philosophie bedarf der Rechtfertigung – um so mehr, als Freud immer wieder dennaturwissenschaftlich-empirischen Charakter...

EU wants to bring «talent» from Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia or Nigeria...

Illegal migration to the EU is problem enough. In the EU, asylum applications almost doubled in the first quarter of this year compared to last year. We know from previous years: Around two-thirds of the applicants do not receive any kind of protection title - and thus have no right to be here. Nevertheless, Brussels is sticking to the dogma: anyone who makes it to the external border must be let in. Urgently needed refoulements are not tolerated - as could be seen recently in the resignation of Frontex head Leggeri, whose organization was accused of exactly that.
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