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Etiqueta: USA

US grapples with Trump’s role in Capitol attack after House panel...

Liz Cheney, one of the committee’s two Republican members, aired evidence that the former president endorsed calls to hang his vice-president, Mike Pence, for refusing...

Estados Unidos – Llega la reacción anti-2A de la izquierda En...

Joe Biden acabará fracasando en su extraño esfuerzo por redefinir las pistolas de 9mm como "armas de alto calibre", pero no podemos culpar al...

USA – Täter kündigte Plan auf Facebook an (German/English)

MASSAKER AN US-VOLKSSCHULE Der 18-jährige Amokläufer an einer Volksschule im US-Bundesstaat Texas hat nach Angaben von Gouverneur Greg Abbott seine Pläne kurz vor der Tat...

Los Goonies: un elenco indisciplinado que enloqueció al director, la mano...

Los Goonies, la película de mediados de los 80 que marcó una época La película dirigida por el recordado Richard Donner es uno de los...

Warum senkt die OPEC die Ölpreise diesmal nicht, wenn sie auf...

They were not expected to heed calls to open the oil taps to lower prices. The world's major oil exporters met this May 5 in the face of global calls to reduce the cost of crude, but only approved a moderate increase in their crude supplies as of June 1, of 432,000 barrels per day, and to review the situation again on June 2.

“What’s the point” in impeachment with days left in Trump’s term?...

Reasons why Democrats initiate a political trial against President Donald Trump a few days before completing his term. (Here the reasons in super condensed mode): By...
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